How to Unstake From Stability Pool

Can I withdraw my USDEFI Stake whenever I want?

Generally speaking, you are free to withdraw your deposit from the Stability Pool whenever you choose, as there is no obligatory lockup period. In this section we'll show you how!

Withdrawals may be temporarily halted if there are loan positions that can be liquidated with a collateral ratio less than 110% and have not yet been liquidated.

How to Unstake USDEFI From the Stability Pool

If you wish to unstake your USDEFI from the Stability Pool, here's how you can do it:

  1. Navigate to the DCNTRL Protocol dashboard. In the 'Stability Pool' section, click on the 'Adjust' button.

  1. Enter the adjusted amount of USDEFI you wish to have left in the stability pool after you have deducted the amount you want to withdraw.

If you wanted to withdraw all of your stake - Enter 0 as this will be the amount you have remaining in the pool. In our example we wanted to withdraw 1800 USDEFI so we entered 60,000.

  1. Click confirm once you're happy with the new amount of USDEFI you want to stake.

  1. Confirm the transaction in your wallet. Once the transaction is confirmed, your USDEFI will be unstaked from the Stability Pool and returned to your wallet.

Remember, unstaking your USDEFI will stop you from earning further DCNX rewards. However, any unclaimed DCNX rewards will remain available for you to claim.

Last updated