πŸ†How to stake DCNX to earn Protocol Revenue


Welcome to the DCNTRL Network's staking guide! Staking DCNX tokens allows you to share all revenue generated from DCNTRL network.

Revenue Breakdown

The DCNTRL Protocol generates revenue through the following mechanisms:

  1. Loan Origination Fees: When a user borrows USDEFI against their BNB collateral, a loan origination fee is applied. This fee is a percentage of the amount drawn in USDEFI.

  2. Redemption Fees: When a user redeems USDEFI for BNB, a redemption fee is charged. This fee is a percentage of the amount paid to users by the system in BNB.

The following guide will walk you through the process of staking your DCNX tokens to earn a share of all of these fees.


Step-by-Step Guide - How to Stake DCNX

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to app.dcntrl.network.

  2. Choose your wallet from the list and follow the prompts to connect.

Step 2: Navigate to the Staking Section

  1. Once your wallet is connected, locate the "Staking" tab on the DCNTRL dashboard and make sure 'Stake DCNX' is highlighted

  1. Enter the amount of DCNX tokens you wish to stake in the input field - click MAX if you want to deposit all DCNX in your wallet.

When you alter this field you'll get to see your new pool share change in real time.

Step 3: Confirm Your Stake

  1. Click on the "confirm" button.

  2. Confirm the transaction from your wallet.

  3. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.

If it is the first time you are interacting with DCNTRL you may need to approve the transaction first.

Step 4: Sit Back & Earn Protocol Revenue 😎

  1. Once confirmed, your DCNX tokens will be staked, and you'll start earning rewards which you can view in real time.

Step 5: Claiming Rewards:

  1. To claim your fees you just need to hit the 'Claim Gains' button and confirm the transaction to receive all of your available USDEFI and BNB earnings.

If you withdraw any DCNX this will also claim any of your pending revenue!

Last updated